Monday, January 24, 2011

And another week begins.....

Well, it is Monday, another week begins. I am working really hard on keeping an optimistic attitude, because my family is sick....again. It just seems like we can't keep healthy! I have a feeling that my week is going to look alot like this:
Anyway, in regards to my January resolutions, I have kept up pretty well! Last week the name of the game was moderation. My body has been rebelling quite a bit because I think I have been overdoing the exercise a bit. In the same way I had gotten a bit crazy on my diet, and found that I am a happier person when I don't cut out the things I like completely, but just moderate what I have.
I found some definitions for moderation that I really love.
quality of being moderate and avoiding extremes
easing: a change for the better
temperance: the trait of avoiding excesses
the action of lessening in severity or intensity

It all seems to point to the fact that if I make changes using moderation, the changes will stick. I love the second definition, "easing: a change for the better". I tend to get very enthusiastic and want to change things all at once, but the thing about that is that I tend to burn out!
I yearn for balance in my life, I don't like extremes, they make me tired! Yes, extremes make adrenaline flow, just think about your last ride on a roller coaster, but then think of how you feel when you get home from the amusement are exhausted!
This year I am learning to ease into things, and I really think that that will make the changes last. My goal is for my resolutions to become habits.

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