Let me explain what happened. A week ago Saturday Andrew had to take Reagan to the ER for double ear infections and RSV. I was home recovering from gall bladder surgery. On the way home he rolled down the driver side window to show his ID at the gate and the window decided to fall off the track and get stuck inside the door.
Since then the van has taken up residence in our very crowded, very cluttered garage. Yesterday I decided that it was a nice enough day that I was going to run a few errands that I have needed to run with the kids. While Reagan was napping I went to move the van.
The van was in the garage so tight, then even though I tried my hardest I couldn't open the door wide enough to squeeze through, so I had to open the back of the van and crawl through. Once I got in the drivers seat I started the van and went to back out. I heard a "scratching" sound and realized that the back of the van was to tall to fit through the garage with the door open, so back to the back of the van I went, and shut the door. Then climbed back up to the front of the van and backed it out.
Since the van was in the driveway I decided this would be a good time to clean it out, so I took trash to the dumpster and brought random clutter to the garage. Then I came inside, mentally patting myself of the back for the aerobics I went through to get the van out and wondering how many calories I burnt!
Reagan was up from her nap, so I got her ready to go, and zipped up Cameron's jacket, in the middle of zipping it up it hit me, I didn't know where my keys were! I didn't panic, I figured I probably left them in the ignition, so I went out to the van, they weren't there.
"Ok", I thought, "they must be in the diaper bag". No, they weren't there, during this time Reagan was voicing her opinion about being strapped into her carseat and not going anywhere.
I ran and took a quick look in both the van and the garage, and still no keys. So I got a screaming Reagan out of her carseat and Cameron and I started looking for the keys.
On a side note, Reagan is cutting her 1 year old molars, and is not happy, so while we are looking she is following us screaming her head off.
After looking for about an hour, I decided that I needed a break and by this time both kids were ready for lunch, so I fed them, continuing to look around, thinking that they must be in plain sight and I am just not seeing them.....in my mind I was blaming the anesthesia I had almost two weeks ago.
The day continued, and still no keys! My mother in law came over and looked, she didn't find them, when Andrew got home, he looked, still no keys! By this time I was seeing a padded room in my future! (I was also praying that there would be no rain or snow since the van was in the driveway missing one window, I did talk myself out of trying to put it in neutral and push it back into the garage myself. I don't think that would have ended well.
Anyway, this morning after putting Reagan down for a nap I went back out into the garage. I had a gut feeling that the keys would be near the place I put the things I cleaned out from the van. So I started carefully looking in each box and bag...and low and behold...in the wrapping paper bag I found the keys! I can't even tell you the relief that flooded through my body, I actually got a little light headed! Cameron laughed at my happy dance!
I guess the biggest lesson I learned through all of this is that I still have alot to learn about trusting God and not letting the circumstances that surround me to frazzle me so much! That, and I will ALWAYS hook my keys to my pants or bag when I get out of the car!
These are the little things that caused me so much stress!!!!
your not the only one, i have to a hook on my purse that i put my keys on b/c i have lost them plenty of times and it seems that i need a hook for my phone and chapstick b/c i am always losing one or the other. It embarrasses me sometimes b/c Jr. will be like here it is,and it ends up being right in front of me. I don't know what is wrong with me sometimes.