So my plans yesterday was to sit down and write this blog. I had written it in my head, and had the whole thing planned out.
But then we had an incident that changed my plans for the day. After Reagan ate her lunch she decided to go on a rampage of doing everything she is not supposed to do. When I took her brothers shoe away from her, declining to let her chew on it, she threw a tantrum.
Now this is not a new thing, she has gotten into the habit of throwing tantrums and not breathing, and then passing out, and she is fine again. I checked with the doctor and she said this is normal behavior.
Yesterday, however, after she passed out,she did not come to right away. I picked her up and her eyes opened but she wasn't breathing. I finally had to blow in her mouth a couple of times to get her breathing again, and then I called 911.
To make a long story short, she is fine now. They don't know why she didn't come to right away, but she is fine and running amuck as usual.
I have never been so scared as when I was holding her and she was turning blue. I have never prayed so hard!
I was a wreck the rest of the day. The whole incident renewed my resolve to spend more time with my kids, enjoying them and this time where they still want to play and spend time with me!
Kate, I am so glad she is ok. I can't imagine!