Monday, July 19, 2010

And so the journey begins......

One thing I have learned about myself is that I don't function well in chaos. I like things well defined and organized.
As I have been looking around my house I have realized that my rooms don't have a defined function, and that has led to piles of clutter with no where to go. I have found that I have a couple of "black holes" in my house where things get stashed when I have no idea where to put them to be functional.
So my goal this week is to define the function of each room and removing the items that do not serve that function. As things are removed from each room they will be placed in the room that is for that function. I am not going to work on organizing each room, that will come next week, but at least all items in the room will belong there.
Here is a list of the major spaces that I will be tackling this week.....

Dining Room: A place for family and friends to gather to share food.
Kitchen: A functional workspace where my "tools of the trade" are easily found and used.
Playroom: A space where the toys are easily found by small hands. All the toys in this area should be age appropriate for all ages. A space that is "kid friendly".
Living room: A place where adults can relax. Since this is also where the computer is kept, the space needs to double as a working environment in disguise. I want the focus for this space to be a gathering space rather than an office.
All Bedrooms: A space that is individual to each person. Where you walk in and get a sense of what that person is about. For mine and Andrew's bedroom I want it to be a space of retreat.

So let the journey back to the basics begins!


  1. I love this idea, can I steal it when we move? I am so looking forward to the days when our bedroom can be just that, ours!

  2. Love the idea...I would sooo help if I were closer! Best of luck to you on your journey to a more organized and peaceful existence:) Love ya!

  3. Funny, I'm on a quest to do pretty much the same thing. My challenge is that I have 5 adults living in the house with me and all their STUFF. You've been in my house. It hasn't grown, but our stuff has. I totally get overwhelmed, but I'm still determined, even if it takes longer than I think it should.
    Anyway, I like what you've done!
