Week two included Valentines Day. Now those of you who know me know that I really don't care for the holiday. But this year with Cameron being the age he is, he really loves celebrations of any sort, so we really did it up for Valentines Day this year, including a heart themed breakfast and lunch. I was impressed by my husband because he even brought me flowers and picked up a special dinner, just for the two of us.
However, during the course of the dinner we ended up having a very "unromantic" conversation. Not exactly the picture perfect Valentine's day, but it was a conversation that we needed to have. It cleared the air in alot of aspects, and since then things have been wonderful between the two of us. Sometimes we all need to hear the hard things. And while I didn't want to hear some of the things that he said to me, he did say them in love, and that really makes a difference. It took me about 24 hours to put my guard and really look at what issues he brought up and work through them. I am so thankful for a husband who is willing to tell me the things I need to hear.
My memory verse for this week's Bible study talked about bringing our husbands good and not harm. I thought that would be an easy one for me. I mean really, what harm could I possibly cause my husband? As I meditated on it I started to think, no I don't cause him physical harm, but what kind of harm could I cause him with my words? My husband is a dreamer, and while I do love that about him, I am more of a day to day concrete thinker. I tend to be practical in my dreams, while he doesn't let anything stand in the way of his dreams. So when he shares them with me, I need to be careful not to discourage him, not to give him the practical side, but let him dream. My focus this week has been to watch the words that I say, that they are always encouraging, building him up.
On a side note, we made up for Valentine's Day yesterday. While the kids were gone with their grandmother we went shopping for clothes for me! It was a wonderful time. He has really good taste when it comes to clothes and made me try on things that I would have never tried one, but that actually looked really good on me. When I clothes shop I tend to buy things because I need clothes, not taking the time to figure out what really looks good on me.
Overall it was a really good week.
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