Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy February!

I know I am a couple of days late with this post. I had a bit of a longer recovery from my gall bladder surgery than I expected.
Looking over the month of January, I am kinda pleased with myself. I was pretty consistent in working out and the other physical changes I wanted to make. I am actually looking forward to getting back to working out, which shows that some changes have been made.
Now onto February.
This month I want to focus on my marriage. My wonderful husband and I do have a really strong marriage, but things can always get stronger. This month I am focusing, not on changing him, but changing the way I respond to him and my general attitude overall.
I have a very bad habit of trying to "keep score". I my mind I tend to keep a running tally of, "well, I got up with the kids this morning, so there for my husband owes me a morning of sleeping in", or, " I took out the garbage today, so therefore he should do the dishes". One of the problems with this is that I don't share my expectations with him, and then I get irritated when he doesn't "read my mind." Not a good cycle to have, and doesn't help either of us.
This is the big change in my attitude I want to change. To help with the change I am going to wear a rubberband around my wrist and snapping each time I find myself "going to the scoreboard."
I am also starting a Bible study with a group of friends. It is based on the book, "Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be" by Donna Partow. It is based on Proverbs 31. It looks like it will be a wonderful, practical study, which is what I need.
In my mind I see the kind of wife I want to be, and yes, you can laugh, because the woman I see is wearing pearls while vacuuming! But with all seriousness, I want to be the best helpmate for my husband that I can. The challenge is going to be striking a balance between the perfect "June Cleaver" image in my head, and what I can actually do, since I am not a TV character, but a real life wife, who has her bad days along with the good.

Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate. ~Barnett R. Brickner

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