Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My Twelve Goals

I have decided to copy Gretchen Rubin, by making a list of twelve goals for myself. I will have a specific one to work on for each month of the year. Today I just want to make a list of the goals.....I will save the "how to" for later!

January: My Physical Body
I am not pregnant, not recovering from a pregnancy and my asthma has been good....time for me to get in shape!

February: My Marriage
In this month of Valentine's Day I want to work on becoming a better wife.

March: My Kids
I want to become the mother I always wanted to be. Much less "yelly".

April: Having Fun
I don't just let go and have fun easily. I want to be able to relax.

May: My Spiritual Life
I have some "old" issues that I need to work through. I need to find a church.

June: A Time to Purge
In the month of yardsales....I want to go thru my house and get rid of things that are just "taking up space". I want each item in my home to be there for a reason, whether that reason is practical or sentimental.

July: Finishing What I Started
I have unfinished projects....I need to either finish them, or get rid of the ones I will never finish.

August: Finances
I want to keep track of everything I spend for a month. I want to see where I spend my money, and in doing so find out what my priorities are.

September: My Home
I want my home to be a place of peace and hospitality.

October: Find A Project/Hobby and Make Time For It
I want to find something that I enjoy doing that isn't a stress, but a relaxation

November: Stimulate My Mind
I feel like I "used" to be smart. I need to find something that uses the part of the brain that I don't use on a day to day basis.

December: Work On Being a Better Friend
I tend to forget things like birthdays. I want to be better about celebrating my friendship.s


  1. I absolutely love Gretchen Rubin's book and I'm thinking about starting my own version of her project soon...let me know how yours is going!

  2. This sounds like a great idea. One thing at a time, its something us moms are not used to doing. Let me know if there are any ways I can help and support you in this.
