"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up". CS Lewis
I have always been a people pleaser. I have always been a chameleon changing certain things about my personality to fit situations and people's expectations. While a little of this is good, and without this adaptation society would fall (not because of me but if everyone always acted the way the wanted too), certain parts of myself have become hidden. These tend to be the parts of myself that in the words of my fifth grade self, "aren't cool".
It is fitting that I found that quote from C.S. Lewis, because I do really love fairy tales. I love the magic of princesses, princes, dragons.....basically good vs evil, with good winning. But in my mind it isn't "cool" for a thirty-something to love fairy tales. Now, I am not talking about dressing like a princess when I go to the grocery store, (although I am sure some of you would like to see me do that), but I shouldn't be afraid to enjoy them.
I guess my biggest goal for myself is to stop apologizing, whether mentally or out lout, for the "geekiness"...for the things that I enjoy....for the things that put a smile on my face no matter how silly they may seem. And who knows? Maybe you will see me at the store with a tiara on my head!!
Good for you - you shouldn't ever feel like you have to hide those fun-loving, wonderful parts of yourself...enjoy them and hey, anytime you want to rock a tiara on a grocery visit you know who to call to hold your fairy wand :)