Monday, July 25, 2011

It's All About Love

There is an old DC Talk song called "Love is a Verb". When I was younger I loved that song, and it made perfect sense to me, if you love someone you show it!
However, recently, in my adult life the act of loving hasn't always been the easiest thing. The word gets tossed around in this culture, it is used for everything from things we eat, to the people that our in our lives.
May was supposed to be my month to find a church, but different things got in the way, and I didn't end up finding a church. My mom came to visit this month, and she is more outgoing than I am, so I figured I would drag her along.
I have attended for three weeks now and each week it was like the pastor was preaching right at me, and it has been all about love.
One of the points that really hit me was that God calls us to love one another...that is it...not change each other, not judge each other, not love only the loveable. GOD is in charge of changing, GOD is the ultimate judge, and lets face it if GOD only loved the loveable, none of us would be loved by Him!
Of all the words used to describe God, I John 4:8 states that God is love. Love is the driving force behind God's wonderful grace. It, simply stated, is what makes God tick.

It sounds so simple, but acting in love takes a moment my moment dedication.
I got to practice this concept on Friday night. I ran into a person who last year caused my closest friends alot of pain. Part of me wanted to call her out on the carpet, and accuse her, point the finger and her, and basically make her feel like she made my friends feel. But I stopped, prayed, treated her with love. I chatted for a second, asked how her kids were and that was about it. It all comes down to the good ol' WWJD!
Yesterday's sermon brought me to tears. There were alot of great points, but the one that really hit home is the fact that Jesus wants me to come to Him just the way I am. I don't have to wait until I am perfect to come to Him, I don't have to wait until I get my life where I want it to be, or until my marriage or children are perfect, He wants me now. He wants me tired, run down, empty. He wants my anger, my sadness and my confusion. He wants me to come to Him like that because He loves me, because that in Him are the answers to all those things that I see as imperfections in myself.
2 Corinthians 12:9
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

This year has challenged me beyond anything before in my life. It has stretched me, it has broken me down. But Jesus has heard my pleas, listened to my rantings and held me up when I had no strength.
But most of all He has shown me love. He has gathered me in His arms. He hasn't held my past against me, He loves me for who I am now.
Having that kind of love given so freely to me, how can I not turn around and show that to others?

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