Thursday, May 5, 2011

Having the Mindset of a Two Year Old

Last night I am not proud to admit that I had an attitude that would rival any "two year -older".
"Its not fair","I don't want to", and "Hummph" were the phrases going through my head. I literally wanted to stomp around the room, slamming doors and throwing things, ( I didn't by the way, but I really really wanted too!)
It was one of the nights that all military wives have, or at least I hope that I am not the only one, where the fact that what is going on in the rest of the world and the fact that is affects our day to day lives, is just a little hard to take.
What is really hard during these "tantrums" is the grown up voice inside my head is saying things like, "Now you know that your husband has an important job that affects millions", "Aren't you proud of the fact that your husband is a soldier?", and "There are so many people in harder situations than you."
To be a military wife you really get a lot of lessons in humility. You have to learn how to step gracefully aside for the greater good. You have to get used to family plans getting postponed, personal plans getting cancelled, and explaining to your children why Daddy isn't home for dinner...again. It can be tiring and draining.
But at the same time it is very rewarding. I know I always get a very proud feeling when I show my military ID. I love hearing my son tell people that his daddy is a hero. I am very grateful for the job security and health care that the military provides us. I love my military family and the support that they have given me.
So yes, the pros outweigh the cons, and my tantrum was short lived, after a snack of BBQ potato chips and an early bedtime things don't look so bad. And after drinking my cup of coffee this morning and sometime with the Lord, my trantrum is over and I am ready to put on my big girl panties once again and deal with it!

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