Friday, April 29, 2011

A Little Lighter Than Last Week

So this week has been a bit more fun than last week. While I am still struggling with some things inwardly, I have had more peace, wisdom and strength.
This week I have had some fun playing around with photoshop. As you all know I love photography, but learned on film, and this digital stuff is still new to me. I have had a good edition of photoshop for awhile, and knew the basics, I could change things into black and white and such, but this week I have made the time to explore and little more and had a lot of fun!

I finished reading Brennan Manning's book, "Souvenirs of Solitude", and I know the Lord really led me to this book, because it talked to me exactly where I am. It spoke to my soul and helped me so much with my mind set.
In it he quotes a Jesuit priest, Alfred Delp, who was facing death in a Nazi concentration camp. Part of the quote was, "All things have a purpose and they help again and again to bring us back to our Father." Everything in my life is designed to bring me closer to God, whether it is a good thing or a difficult thing. It is easy to go to God when things are hard, but how often I forget to go to Him with my joy!
As I have watched and played with my children this week I have noticed how many times they ask me to watch them do many times they exclaim over a discovery. I think about how much joy it brings me when they do this. I need to have this attitude with God.
God finds joy in me! I am His creation! He created me for a relationship with Himself!!

"And Father, make me life
your rainbow.
Let me
the spectrum
of your love."

Brennan Manning

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