I have really struggled on this journey, more than I ever thought I would. I was beating myself up about it, because I haven't gotten as far as I would have liked. I was making no real progress...and to tell you the truth, I procrastinated because I came to a brick wall.
However, this week my purpose is renewed. A friend of mine introduced me to "FLYlady.net." FLY stands for "Fully Loving Yourself." She provides more than a formula to keep a clean house, but a formula to start changing your life. She puts into practice all the things that I want to have in my life, but am either too scared to try, or put off because of what others may think. She breaks it down into babysteps, the first one is shine your sink.
Now that might seem kinda silly. Really, how much difference does a shiny sink make? Well, let me tell you, it took me two days to work up the courage to find this out. Last night I shined my sink, per her directions. It really made a difference. You see, through out the day you continue to wipe out your sink and keep it clean. So today, even though my husband had to work 11 hours, I had a 6 month old who is teething and wants to be attached to me 24/7, and to be blunt, I didn't even have any privacy in the bathroom all day.....however, in the middle of the chaos I could look at my sink, and have one thing that was cleaned and orderly. It kept my attitude where it needed to be.
So with FLYlady's help I hope to continue this quest to get back to the basics. To get rid of clutter and chaos that happens in both my house and my mind.
That is one beautiful sink - I'm totally inspired!